Lately, it seems I am in a constant state of waiting and anticipation. A little update on our pre-nuptiul status.
Andrew returned safely and clean shaven (he grew a massive beard - which I hated) from his Bachelor Week in Vail and Breckenridge. He is lucky to have great friends who made the trip from all over the country to join him in extremeness. Andrew is not the strip club kind of guy; he prefers long days on the mountains, followed by hot tubs with beer. Reason 5007 that I love him. Now, I am waiting on my own girl power weekend...the beach can't come soon enough!
Still absolutely no word on lovely little love shack. This is why our country is in such a mess - a qualified young couple with stars in their eyes offers to buy a house that the owners want to sell. Three weeks later, the bank still hasn't gotten back to us. Geesh, move over Obama, I have a bone to pick with these bankers.
The first dress fitting - the highly anticipated moment was last weekend. My mom, who was in from out of town, and my lovely personal attendant joined me. So nervous, that the dress I loved would look different. That I wouldn't like it as much, that the color would be all wrong, and most importantly, that I would still look like the stuffed sausage I was in it in August. When I took it out of the bag, the seamstress gasped. That was the best reaction I could have asked for. It truly is an amazing dress and I love it more today than I did when I bought it. As I stepped inside (no easy task), the dress zipped with ease. Too easy and too big. As Martha would say...It's a Good Thing.
The seamstress didnt want to pin me because my body is changing so much...so I am waiting until May 19th for my first official pinning.
We are at the point of the wedding planning, where most everything is squared away and we are riding the wave. It is the first time since we got engaged, that I have gotten to sit back and imagine the day, no decisions necessary. Just simple day dreaming. I am over the moon excited for the day and thank my lucky stars that I have had the glory of time on my side. I am going to take this time, to love my honey and be so thankful that we are going to be married.
I just got goosebumps! I love the way you write and I truly feel your excitement when I read your words. I'm so so so happy the dress fitting went better than expected, and I cannot wait to see pictures of gorgeous you in your dress.
ReplyDeleteI've been told over and over, so I'm passing it on to you-enjoy the wave!!! This is a fun and exciting part and will be over before you know it! (I'm sure you knew that, but hey-I'm here to remind you :))