While most little girls were playing with Barbie, I was creating her mansion complete with sofas out of wash cloths.
I spent my childhood living abroad and traveling extensively courtesy of my fathers' job with Saudi Airlines. My mothers' love of antiqes and old homes was passed down with vigor, and we spent our weekends wandering through antique stores and Parade of Homes. In other words, I am who am and I do what I do in a very large part due to my parents. It is the best gift they could have given me.
Off to college at the University of Minnesota to study interior design, spent a year in Chicago working on retail desing (blah!!) and then returned to the Twin Cities to be with my love and start working on what I really love - old homes!
Being a designer is a bit of a sickness - I become a bit obsessed. Once I see a home/space with potential, it consumes me and I wont give up on the floor plan until it is perfect.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago