Monday, February 9, 2009

Naughty Blogger

Have I lost you???
Okay updates, updates...Since we last spoke, so much has transpired. First, thankyou to those of you who commented on my "Photo Freak Out". After three interviews, four phone interviews, and one loss of a down payment, I have taken your advice and booked the lovely and extremely talented Melissa Louise from Dolce! We are so excited and I am beyond relieved to know that I have nothing to worry about come the Big Day. Check out her blog:
Our love nest...or lack therof. Well, after hoping and praying that the house we wanted would stay on the market long enough to get our approval, we spent Saturday making an offer on the house!! We finally got our approval on Friday night, marched into the real estate office, put down the pen, took pictures and left with a handshake and nerves in our stomach. An hour later we found out the house was sold that morning. A painful lesson and such a waste of time. We are dissapointed but firmly feel the house we want is out there somewhere, just not for sale yet. The market here in Minnesota is a bummer - great time to buy, but absolutely nothing on the market. So, the beat goes on...

I spent Saturday morning with our printer for our invitations which was such a fun experience! His shop is comical: papers everywhere, inspiration plastered to the walls, cans of cheese popcorn stacked in the corners. But, I loved him and his granola ways. My bridesmaid who happens to be getting married 3 weeks after us found him and he is going to save me about $300. She gets Bridesmaid of the Year!

1 comment:

  1. yay for the photographer!

    I'm so sorry you lost the house. I've heard that is a hard lesson to learn, but you're right-it just means your house is still out there!

    I can't wait to see your invitations! They look so cool. I'm clueless about invitations. Is that letterpress?

    Oh, and I spent an hour at the gym this morning, and stayed under my ww points today! One day down, the rest of my life to go :)
