Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hey Mr.!

When you tell the boy about the blog (sort of ashamed - like he might laugh??) and he decides he wants a voice, I cannot help but be ecstatic! So, in addition to reading and riding the rollercoaster with me, the Mr. will be heard! Stay tuned....
Introducing....Mr. Gibbons (here is a picture of us from our recent trip to Italy)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

You cant fight city hall

In searching around for wedding junk (yes, this a roudy Saturday night for me...creating a blog, working on Save the Dates, swooning pricy photographer's sites) I stumbled upon an image that made me pause. A darling couple and their simple City Hall wedding. Am I missing something? Why does this sound so appealing now? Now that the reception hall is booked, the dress is bought, the linens and chairs are rented - why now do I find this appealing? I never thought I would be the girl who would consider running away - but these images really make me yearn for a simple ceremony downtown, complete with hatbox and veil - well of course, there has to be a viel! I am not that simple!

I have fallen for the blog...

After swearing I would never start this, well, I have found the "Blog" to be too alluring. I have loved being invited into all of your homes and lives, and decided that a blog of my own is necessary. It is high time I invite you into mine! And poor Andrew's by default. Today is the official 6 month countdown to our wedding and days away from the calendar on my IPhone reading: 2009. An exciting year, yes, but one that leaves me a bit anxious as to what we have ahead. In this blog, I will let you all in on the stress that is my life. Here is a rundown of our classic case of " We're biting off more than we can chew!"
  • January: Andrew is officially on the payroll at Leonard Street and Dienard. Hallelujah! After 3.5 years of law school and graduate school, I can retire my roll as Baby Mama.
  • February: We are finally able to make an offer on a house after this crazy year of financial termoil that is our economy. Who knew it would be so hard to get an approval!? Andrew takes the bar in late February - god willing he passes!
  • March: Hopefully, we will be moving into our new home!!! Let the jackhammers fly and the paint swatches be hung - this designer can finally do some dirty work on her own abode! Andrew will be celebrating Bachelor-ness skiing with the boys followed by officially starting his job with Leonard on March 16th.
  • April: Wedding shower season officially begins with the family shower April 4th.
  • May: While attending other friends weddings, we continue to slave away on our house and scramble to wrap up our own nuptial planning. I go on my own celebration of girl power with a weekend in the sun for Memorial Day's bachelorette bonanza.
  • June: Official freak out month begins - showers, family, last minute shedding of pounds, fittings, and thank you cards. June 27th is the big day!!
  • July: Aaaahh, yes...2 weeks of the blue lagoon in the Philippine's on our honeymoon. This seems all too far away....

The rest of the year seems slightly less important at this point, but rest assured there are high school reunions, a number of weddings near and far, and the continued work of our fictitious home.